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Li Research Group
Mechanics and physics of complex material systems
(* denotes equal contribution, ^ denotes corresponding authorship)
1. L Li, A Zare, X Xu, V Kilic, K Hom, L Kecskes, S Klark, K Fezzaa, C Smith, J Harris, KT Ramesh, and TC Hufnagel (2025). "Quantitative in-situ studies of dynamic fracture in a lithium metasilicate glass-ceramic using X-ray phase contrast imaging." To be submitted.
2. W Zhou, S Nadarajah, L Li, AG Izard, H Yan, AK Prachet, P Patel, X Xia, and C Daraio (2025). " 3D Polycatenated Architected Materials." Science 387, 269-277. (pdf)
3. L Li^, V Kilic, M Alemohammade, L Yang, KT Ramesh, MA Foster, and TC Hufnagel^ (2024). "Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing: A new approach to time-resolved measurement of the stress intensity factor during dynamic fracture." Mechanics of Materials, 105010. (pdf)
4. L Li^, J Rao, TC Hufnagel, and KT Ramesh (2024). "Meso-scale size effects of material heterogeneities on crack propagation in brittle solids: Perspectives from phase-field simulations." International Journal of Solids and Structures, 112795. (pdf)
5. Y Zhao, J Choo, Y Zhang, and L Li (2023). "Coupled material point and level set methods for simulating soils interacting with rigid objects with complex geometry." Computers and Geotechnics 105708. (pdf)
6. L Li^, K Karapiperis, and JE Andrade (2021). "Emerging contact force heterogeneity in ordered soft granular media." Mechanics of Materials, 104055. (pdf)
7. YF Wang*, L Li*, D Hofmann, JE Andrade, and C Daraio (2021). "Structured fabrics with tunable mechanical properties." Nature 596, 238-243. (pdf)
8. JM Harmon, K Karapiperis, L Li, S Moreland, and JE Andrade (2021). "Modeling connected granular media: particle bonding within the level set discrete element method." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 373, 113486. (pdf)
9. L Li and JE Andrade (2020). "Identifying spatial transitions in heterogeneous granular flow." Granular Matter, 22, 1-16. (pdf)
10. L Li, E Marteau, and JE Andrade (2019). "Capturing the inter-particle force distribution in granular material using LS-DEM." Granular Matter, 21(3), 43. (pdf)
11. XL Lu, S Zeng, L Li, JG Qian, and MS Huang (2019). "Two-dimensional discrete element simulation of the mechanical behavior and strain localization of anisotropic dense sands." Granular Matter, 21(2), 37. (pdf)
12. SJ Feng, ZM Shi, Y Shen, and L Li (2015). "Elimination of loess collapsibility with application to construction and demolition waste during dynamic compaction." Environmental Earth Science, 73(9). (pdf)
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