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Liuchi Li (he/him)


Location: Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS)
Credit: Kevin Hom

I am currently a visiting research scholar in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University. My CV can be found here.

My research aims to understand fundamentally the nonlinear behaviors of complex material/structure systems, especially those involving multi-body contact, friction, and fracture in harsh environments of primary concern to infrastructure resiliency and energy sustainability. 


I have a keen interest in understanding how small-scale interplay among interface, geometry, and material heterogeneity collectively gives rise to intriguing macroscopic behaviors (e.g., strain stiffening and nonlocal phase transition). I combine solid mechanics, statistical physics, scientific computing, high-speed optical sensing, and advanced X-ray characterization in pursuit of such knowledge.

Outside research, I enjoy rock climbing, skiing (when the weather is right), playing badminton and pickleball.

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